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Compared to other laser and photo systems:
Faster in the field and in the shop

Wireless connection with laser measuring device

3rd party CAD software is unnecessary. InnoDraw provides all the functions necessary for the fabrication and generates DXF files for direct input to cutting equipment.

Built-in measurement verification procedure ensures accuracy

Software is customizable

3D capabilities (further enhancements anticipated)

Full-size laptop computer screen with touch screen technology for use in the field

Extensive libraries for materials including sinks

Original cabinet lines appear in drawings

No on-going material costs (consumables such as targets, etc.)

Increased range of reach (100’ plus)

No annual upgrade fee; all upgrades are included at no additional charge

System works with or without laser

Easiest and most flexible software to use

• DXF files can be sent while templater is still on jobsite

• No charge for field and office personnel training

• Digital photos supplied with every project

• Automatic archiving of all projects

• Employees can’t “moonlight” with the system

• No cleanup

• Easy-to-use movable origin feature allows for unlimited size template

• Seams, cutouts, notches and edges can be placed in the field

• Tens of thousands of countertops have been successfully templated internationally

• No need to set up laser for every project; input can be done manually or with handheld laser.

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