
The response of the client who enjoys this innovative service of computerized measuring can be described in two words: genuine admiration.

It’s no exaggeration to state that in 99% of the cases, your clients will remain astonished viewing this technological marvel taking place before their very eyes, and even be excited at experiencing these unique services, using computerized measuring technology from Innodraw.

Measuring tapes, scraps of paper, inaccurate drawings, and client frustration at repeated measuring - all these are becoming a thing of the past from the moment the moment you convert to the innovative measuring method offered by InnoDraw

Because that's how we measure today

At the speed of light

Computerized measuring provides an exact solution to the most important point in any design project- precise measurements. Every project must be built on sound foundations- our package provides you with a solid base to reach your goals.

At InnoDraw we believe and know that every step in the process of design and production must be carried out with the utmost professionalism. In a world moving forward towards the most sophisticated and accurate work methods, computerized measuring is the only choice for those who do not want to stay behind. There is no alternative that provides a more complete solution to the subject of measuring in all its complexity.

The measuring package which has been developed over the years by InnoDraw software designers, is currently available in the USA, UK, Sweden, Australia, Brazil and Israel.

For the last four years, InnoDraw operates and trains surveyor teams specializing in computerized measuring and provides daily professional support to architects, interior designers, and manufacturing companies. The close technical support provided by the dedicated InnoDraw team, will walk you through the most demanding projects for bedrooms, bathrooms and splashbacks, wardrobes, kitchen furniture, entrance doors, Countertops (marble, Corian, etc.), wall coverings and windows.

The technological answer we provide is exceptional, as if the designer himself had been present at the site.

The bottom line - this is exactly the aim of our undertaking - to give the most professional service possible and be the eyes on site for each and every one of our clients.


Michael Saunders
45 Branksome Gdns, Perth, WA 6015. Australia.
Cell phone 0488 07 1919
Email: msaunders@innodraw.com

Cristiano Rocha
InnoDraw Brazil
Cell: (11) 95990-9938
Email: medicoes@outlook.com.br

Leif Lebenswerd
InnoDraw Sweden
Tel: +46 8 661 40 05
Fax: +46 8 661 40 44
Mobile: +46 70 761 57 57
Email: leif@innodraw.se

Atlanta, USA

Tony Gomes
2444 Hawthorne Drive NE, Atlanta, GA, 30345
Cell: 404.322.5236
Email: tgomes@innodraw.com
InnoDraw head office, USA

InnoDraw Inc.
2514 Summeroak Dr.
Tucker, GA 30084
Phone: 770-939-0409
Email: sales@innodraw.com


CADnet Ltd.
7 Alexander-Yanai
Tel: (03) 930-4487, (03) 934-2193
Email: info@cadnet.co.il